!!! UPDATE!!! I’m pleased to report that, after many delays and tribulations. the long-awaited reissues, by Dave Hampson (DH Models), of the Len Jordan/WMS range is underway. The following models are available and will be at both the Lincoln show on 27th July, 2025 & the Liverpool Ship Show in September: if you won’t be there please contact Tim Hudson at Convoy Models: convoy@photrek.co.uk.
The ‘M’ (Merchant) series comprises models of cargo-passenger liners and dry cargo freighters (‘tramps’) dating from 1910 to 1990. (There are a number of ‘specials’ amongst them). The majority of ships are UK flagged, but there are a number from other countries.
The models are kits in white resin and are to 1/1200 scale (1″ = 100′) which is the ‘traditional’ UK (‘Imperial’) ‘Ship Recognition Scale’ (rather than the more commonly used 1/1250 scale – for vessels of this size the two are widely regarded as compatible). Construction of the models is simple as the models are mainly ‘one-piece’ mouldings which require little preparation beyond cleaning. The models can then be painted to your satisfaction.
I regret I am not able to offer a painting service but I can suggest people who may be able to help. At the moment supply of the models is limited but hopefully this excellent range will be back in production shortly.
All models listed on these pages can be obtained directly from Tim Hudson by mail, or at the ‘Ship Shows’ and other events that he visits (or even by calling personally). Prices listed are in GBP Sterling, and exclude a contribution towards postage & packing. Payment may be made by a number of means: Paypal, BACS (or similar), cash, or a personal cheque drawn in GBP on a UK bank. Regrettably I’m not able to accept payment by Credit or Debit Card. Due to increasing delays within the banking system BACS is prefered. This page was last updated on 19th November 2024. Models in stock are marked by a bold (X)
M1 Agamemnon, Menetheus, Deucalion, Memnon, Ajax, & Sarpedon (Blue Funnel – 1929/30) £12.00 (X)
M2 Glenroy, Glengyle, Glengarry, Glenorchy, etc (Glen Line – 1938) £14.00 (X)
M4 Springbank (Bank Line – 1926) £10.00 (X)
M5 Kensington Court, Arlington Court, Barrington Court, etc. (Court Line – 1924)
M7a Troilus (Blue Funnel Line – 1921)
M7b Dardanus (Blue Funnel Line – 1923) £14.00 (X)
M9 Rhexenor, Stentor (Blue Funnel Line – 1945 [‘Empire Fast’ variant])
M10 Beavermore, Beaverdell, Beavercove, Beaverglen, Beaverlake (Canadian Pacific – 1944)
M11A City of Poona (‘Fast Empire’) 1943 (Ellerman Lines – 1946)
M11B Black Prince (‘Fast Empire’) 1943
M11C Empire Paragon (armed version of M11B) see K24 in K series MOWT – Wartime grey – 1945
M12 Tactician, Planter, Rancher, Designer, Custodian, Logician, Observer, Comedian, Recorder & Contractor (Harrison Line – 1928) £12.00 (X)
M13 Oceans, Forts & Parks Canadian WWII Standard (post war – unarmed) £12.00 (X)
For an armed version of M13 – see K19 in the K series £12.00 (X)
M14 Empire B UK WWII Standard Ships (postwar – unarmed)
For an armed version of M14 – see K20 in the K series M16 Patroclus : RE-ISSUE See WMS34 Sarpedon Blue Funnel Passenger-Cargo liner
Patroclus : RE-ISSUE – as Armed Merchant Cruiser See WMS36 Patroclus
M17 Riley, Ridley, Rugeley, Rothley, Ripley, Rodsley, etc. (Doxford ‘Economy’ ships – 1936) £10.00
M19 Ismalia, Itinda, Indora, Itria, Itaura & Ikauna (British India Line – 1936) £9.00
M21 Clan Cameron (Clan Line – 1937)
M22 Clan Cumming (Clan Line – 1946)M23 Amarapoora: PROJECTED WMS RE-ISSUE: British India Line: Passenger/ Cargo liner
M24 Amarapoora (Hospital Ship – 1943) £14.00 (X)Mxx Amarapoora: PROJECTED WMS RE-ISSUE Armed troopship
M26 Malabar, etc. (Brocklebank Line – 1938) £12.00 (X) (x2)
M29 Lombardy, Sicily (Royal Mail Line -1933)
M31 Jenny (Lauritzen – 1917)
M32 Brisbane Star, Melbourne Star, Auckland Star, Wellington Star, Adelaide Star (Blue Star Line – 1936)
M33 Machaon, Menelaus, Menetheseus, Memmon, Melampus, Maron (Blue Funnel ‘M’ class) (Blue Funnel Line – 1957)
M34 Korea, Kina (East Asiatic Company [Denmark] – 1939) £9.00 (X)
M35 Rochester Castle, Roxburgh Castle, Richmond Castle, Rowallan Castle (Union Castle Line – 1937) £14.00 AWAITED
M36 Barlby (Ropner Line – 1962)
M37 City of Melbourne (Ellerman Line – 1957)
M38 Dorset, Durham (Federal Line – 1934)
M39 Explorer, Inventor, Strategist & Tribesman (T & J Harrison -1936)
M40 Owestry Grange (Houlder Line – 1952)
M41 Port Chalmers, Port Wyndham, Port Townsville (Port Line – 1934)
M42 Almeria Lykes, Howell Lykes (USMC C3 type) (Lykes Lines – 1944)
M43 Greystoke Castle, Muncaster Castle (USMC C3 type) (Moller Line – 1948)
M44 Eastern Prince, Cingalese Prince (Prince Line – 1950)
M45 Chungking, Changkow (China Steam Navigation Co – 1949)
M46 Harbledown, Harborough, Hardingham, etc. (J & C Harrison, 1933) £12.00 (X)
M47 Liberty Ship (US WWII Standard) £12.00 (X)
For an armed version of M47 – see K25 in the K series
M48 Innesmoor, Westmoor, Vinemoor, Glenmoor, etc. (Runciman Line – 1925)
M49 Abbekerk. Andijk, Limburg, Overijsel, etc. (USMC C3-S-A1 type) (United Netherlands Line- 1946)
M50 Santa Anita, etc (C3 -S-A3 type) (ex-USS Grundy-APA) (Grace Line – 1966)
M51 Nailsea Moor, Nailsea Manor, Nailsea Court, Nailsea Meadow (E R Management – 1936) £12.00 (X)
M52 Dahomey Palm (Palm Line – 1937)
M53 Victory Ship Type VCS-2-AP2 (US WWII Standard – unarmed) £14.00 (X)
(M53A) Victory Ship Type VCS-2-AP2 (US WWII Standard – armed) – see K26 in the K series
M54 Greenwich (Watts, Watts & Co – 1943 )
M55 Houston City, Vancouver City, Bradford City, Cornish City (Reardon Smith Line – 1942) (55a = Garbeta)
M56 Avristan, Bardistan (Strick Line – 1942) (As Meadowbank) £14.00 (X)
M57 Soudan, Somalia (Peninsular & Oriental – 1948)
M58 Sunda, Surat, Shilong , Singapore (Peninsular & Oriental – 1950)
M59 Loch Gowan , Loch Loyal (Royal Mail Line – 1954)
M60 Clarkspey, Clarkforth (H Clarkson – 1960)
M61 Eboe, Ebani (Elder Dempster Line – 1952)
M62 Arabic, Afric, Aramic (Shaw Savill Line – 1957)
M63 Wanderer, Astronomer, Wayfarer & Arbitrator (T & J Harrison -1951)
M64 Crofter, Forester (T & J Harrison – 1951) £14.00 (X)
M65 Cable Restorer (Cable ship ex HMS Bullfrog) (Cable & Wireless – 1945)
M66 Bendoran, Ben Lomond (Ben Line – 1956)
M67 Bronte, Browning, Boswell, Belloc (Lamport & Holt -1979)
M68 London Grenadier, London Fusilier, etc. – (SD14 type) (London & Overseas Freighters – 1972)
M69 Cairngowan, Cairndhu (Cairn Line – 1952 )
M70 Port Hobart (Port Line – 1946)
M71 Empire Star (Blue Star Line – 1946)
M72 Wairangi, Waiwera (Shaw Savill Line- 1946) £14.00 (X)
M72A Empire Hope – WWII ‘Fast freighter’ – 1942 (Armed version of M72) – See K36 in the K series £10.00
M73 Cedarbank, Firbank, Riverbank , Streambank (Bank Line – 1976)
M74 Clan Shaw, Clan Sinclair (Clan Line – 1949)
M75 Clan Sutherland, Clan Stewart (Clan Line – 1951)
M76 Flamenco, Kenuta, Potosi, Pizarro , Cotopaxi (Pacific Steam Navigation Co. – 1950)
M77 Urbino (Ellerman Wilson Line – 1919)
M78 Santa Elisa US Type C2 – G (Armed version) – see K27 in the K series
M79 Ivernia, Media, Parthia & Saxonia (Cunard Line – 1964)WMS28 For ‘Mahronda’ (lengthened) see WMS28 Cunard-Brocklebank, 1970
M80 Merchant, Scholar (T & J Harrison -1964)
M81 David Livingstone, Henry Stanley, Mary Slessor, Alfred Jones, William Wilberforce, Edward Blyden, Macgregor Laird (Elder Dempster Line -1929) £12.00 (X)
M82 Prometheus, Phrontis, Patroclus, Protelisaus, Phemius (Blue Funnel Line – 1967) (X)A Awaited
M83 Priam, Peisander (Blue Funnel Line – 1966)
M84 Ruddbank (with container cargo), Dacebank, Roachbank, Pikebank (Bank Line – 1979) £9.00 (X)
M85 City of Plymouth, City of Perth, City of Hartlepool, City of Ipswich, City of Oxford (Ellerman Line – 1978 )
M86 Crown Prince, Royal Prince (Prince Line – 1978)
M87 Afric Star, Avila Star, Andalucia Star, Almeria Star, Almeda Star, Avelona Star (Blue Star Line – 1974) (X) Awaited
M88 King Charles, King Alexander, King Arthur (King Line – 1953)
M89 Steel Age , Steel Maker & Steel Voyager (Isthmian Line – 1920)
Mobile City (Armed WWII version of M89) -see K28 in the K series
M90 Kantara, Karnak (Moss Hutchinson Line – 1947)
M91 SA Waterberg, SA Winterberg, SA Heiderberg, SA Sederberg (Safmarine) (X)A Awaited
M92 Port Huon, Port Albany (Port Line – 1965)
M93 Achilles, Aeneas, Anchisis, etc. (Blue Funnel ‘A’ class) (Blue Funnel Line – 1948)
M94 City of Oxford, City of Birmingham, City of Brooklyn. City of Coventry, City of Liverpool, City of Perth, etc. (Ellerman Line – 1948)
M95 Hornby Grange, Rippingham Grange, Condesa (Houlder Line – 1947)
M96 Manistee, Zent, Reventazon, Chirripo, Tortugero, Patia, Arataca, Casanare, Cristales, Tetela, Sulaco, etc. (Elders & Fyffes Line – 1920)
M97 Herefordshire, Lancashire (Bibby Lines – 1972)
M98 Pampas, Pardo, Potaro, Palma, Parramatta/Pampas(2), Paraquay, Parima, Pilcomaya (Royal Mail Line -1940-1945) – (See also K21 in the K series) £12.00 (X)
M99 Pacific Reliance, Pacific Unity, Pacific Fortune, Pacific Stronghold, Pacific Envoy, Pacific North West (Furness Withy Line – 1945)
M100 Asia, Assyria, Arabia (Cunard Line – 1948)
M101 Maidan, Mahronda, Manipur, Magdapur, Mahanada (T & J Brocklebank – 1943/47)
M102 Western Prince, Southern Prince (Prince Line – 1955)
M103 Clan Forbes, Clan Fraser, Clan Lamont (Clan Line – 1937)
M104 (Clan) Lamont – Landing Ship Infantry (Large) – see K8 in the K series
M105 Manapouri, Mataura (Federal Steam Navigation – 1968)
M106 Wellington Star, Adelaide Star, Tasmania Star, Auckland Star (Blue Star Line – 1950)
M107 Daru, Degama, Dixcove, Dunkwa, Deido, Dumurna (Elder Dempster Line – 1958- 1961)
M108 Mary Kingsley (African Steamship Co. (Elder Dempster) – 1930)
M109 Saxonia – with deck load of ‘4472’ Flying Scotsman & railway carriages Cunard Line – 1969
M110 Silver Palm, Silvercypress, Silversandal, Silverteak, Silverwalnut, Silverwillow, Silveryew (Silver Line – 1929) £12.00 (X)
M111 Westland (SD14 type) Koninklijke Hollandsche Lloyd – 1975
M112 Glenogle, Glenlyon, Glenfallon, Flintshire Glen Line – 1962
M113 Orange Star (ex ‘Andalucia Star’ – M87) Reefer Juice Tanker Adriatic Reefers, Liberia – 1987
M114 City of Exeter (SD14 type) (ex-Strathdove – P&O) (Ellerman Lines – 1974)
M115 Laurentia (Donaldson Line – 1974 (ex-Victory ship))
M116 Beacon Grange (ex Orduna – PSNC), Orbita, Orduna, Ortega/Andes (Holder Bros – 1982)
M117 Mystic (Shaw Savill Line -1958 : Long term charter to S S from Johnson Warren Line)
M118 American Ranger (Type C2-S-AJ1 [60 ships] WWII Standard – 1944)
M119 Magnolia State Type C2-S-B1 (60 ships) WWII Standard – 1944
M120 Victoria City, Leeds City, New Westminster City, Welsh City (Reardon Smith Line, 1955)
M121 Darlington Court (Court Line – 1936)
M122 Glenmoor, Hazelmoor, Innesmoor (Runciman Line – 1953/4) £14.00 (X)
M123 Egidia (Anchor Line – 1979)
M124 Zeeland Type (C3 with deck load of railway engines). (Rotterdam Lloyd – 1946)
M125 St Rosario (South American Saint Line – 1965)
M1 SS Menetheus/ Agamemnon (Cargo Liner – 1929) Mint – never removed from packaging. Re-issued and painted by Les Hodder (M1M) £32.00 (X)
M2 MV Glengyle (Cargo Liner – 1938. Model named as ‘Glengyle’: but lists show M2 as ‘Glenroy’) Painted by Les Hodder. In very good order but two booms missing. (M2) £25.00 (X)
M5 SS Kensington Court (Freighter – 1927) Nicely painted (M5M) £25.00 (X)
Another M5 as ‘Framlington Court’ in WWII grey. £20.00 (X)M10 TES Beavercove as Beaverdell (Freighter – 1946 [CP Lines]) In very good order but one bent boom (M10M) £25.00 (X)M14 SS Empire Purcell (Freighter [‘Empire B’] – 1942). Painted in grey. In very good order. (M14M) £20.00 (X)
M17 MV Riley (Freighter – 1936) A nicely painted inter-war freighter (M17M) £25.00 (X)
M17 Another as MV Grenehurst (Freighter – 1948) A nicely painted inter-war freighter (M17M) £25.00 (X)
M19 Ismalia as Indora (British India Line – 1936 [Armed freighter]) On very good order. £22.00 (X)
M22 SS Clan Cumming (Cargo Liner – Clan Line – 1946) Painted by Les Hodder. An exceptional model in the original packaging. (M22M) £32.00 (X)
M29 SS Lombardy (Freighter – 1932) In overall grey (M29M) £25.00 (X)
M40 MV Oswestry Grange (Reefer – Houlder Line – 1952) Painted by Les Hodder. Near mint (M40) £32.00 (X)
M47 SS Serbistan (Freighter – 1947: Strick Lines – ex Samglory). Very nicely painted : in good order. (M47M) £25.00 (X)
M47c SS Balantia (Freighter – 1947: Royal Mail Lines – ex Samfaithful). Painted by Les Hodder. In very good order (M47c) £28.00 (X)
M48 SS Innesmoor (Freighter – 1928) Nicely painted by Les Hodder? (M48M) £25.00 (X)
M50 SS Santa Anita (Freighter – post-war [C2 type]) Nicely painted by Les Hodder? (M50M) £30.00 (X)
Another example as APL ‘President Pierce’ £30.00 (X)
M52 SS Dahomey Palm (Freighter – 1949 [Palm Line]) Near mint (M52M) £28.00 (X)
M53a SS Maron (Freighter – 1947 [Victory ship] Blue Funnel Lines). Painted by Les Hodder. In immaculate condition (M 53aM) £32.00 (X)
(Illustration is of M53c ‘British Prince)
(One other with some damage @ £15.00).
M53c SS British Prince (Freighter – 1948 [Victory ship]) In immaculate condition, but missing one boom. Painted by Les Hodder. (M53cM) £28.00 (X)
Another – again, in very good condition but missing foremast £28.00 (X)
M53 SS Karmala (Freighter – 1945 [Victory ship] [P&O]) Very good (M53M) £30.00 (X)
M54 SS Greenwich (Freighter – 1943) Painted by Les Hodder. Near mint (M 54M) £28.00 (X)
M89 SS Empire Redshank (Freighter – 1920 [In grey: conversion of M89 Steel Age) In good order (M89M) £18.00 (X)
M92 MV Port Huon II (K) (Reefer – Port Line – 1965) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition (M 92) £30.00 (X) (x2)
M95 MV Hornby Grange (K) (Reefer – Houlder Line – 1946) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g condition (M 95) £32.00 (X) (x2)
M98 MV Pampas (Freighter – Royal Mail Lines – 1948) In very good order: probably painted by Les Hodder (M98M) £30.00 (X)
M103 SS Clan Forbes (Freighter – 1938) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition (M 103) £30.00 (X)
M105 MV Manapouri (Freighter – 1968) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition (M 105) £35.00 (X)
M111 MV Westland (Freighter [SD14] – 1975) Painted by Les Hodder (M111M) £30.00 (X)
M14b SS Baron Murray (Freighter [‘Empire B’]- 1947) Painted by Les Hodder. In very good order but a little bow damage & three booms missing. (M14b) £23.00 (X)
M36 MV Barlby (Bulk Carrier – 1962) Painted by Les Hodder. In very good condition, but one slight nick near bow (M36) £28.00 (X)
M39 SS Explorer (Freighter – 1935) Nicely painted but missing booms. (M39M) £15.00 (X)
M41 SS Port Chalmers (K) (Reefer – Port Line – 1933) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition but some booms missing (M 41) £25.00 (X)
M44 MV Eastern Prince (Freighter – Prince Line – 1950) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition but some booms missing (M 44) £25.00 (X)
M45 MV Chungking (Freighter – 1950) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition but some booms missing (M 45) £25.00 (XM48
M48 SS Innesmoor (Runciman Line – 1925) In wartime grey – rather battered – named ‘Jedmoor’ (M48M) £12.00 (X)
M53 SS Talthybius (Freighter –[Victory ship] Blue Funnel Lines). Painted by Les Hodder. With damaged bulwarks & some booms missing. (M 53M) £15.00 (X)
M59 MV Loch Loyal (Cargo Liner – 1954) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition but some booms missing (M 59) £25.00 (X)
M60 MV Clarkspey (Cargo Liner – 1960) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition but some booms missing (M 60) £25.00 (X)
M61 MV Eboe (Cargo – Passenger Liner – Elder Dempster 1952) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition but some booms missing (M 61) £25.00 (X)
M62 MV Arabic (Freighter – 1956) Painted by Les Hodder. In v.g. condition but some booms missing (M 62) £25.00 (X)
UK Model Ship Shows 2020 onwards
Other ‘Ship Stock’ pages:
Convoy Models – New Models from a variety of manufacturers
Convoy Models – secondhand & pre-loved models
DH/Wirral/Len Jordan models – Liners (L) series
DH/Wirral/Len Jordan models – Armed Merchantmen (K) & Tankers (T)